How to Hire Seasonal Employees? 10+ Strategies for Hiring

To hire seasonal employees, clearly define the job roles, advertise widely across multiple platforms, and conduct swift, efficient interviews to onboard the right talent quickly. Looking for an actionable, detailed guide?

Click here to jump directly to our top 10+ strategies for hiring seasonal employees.

Companies hire seasonal employees to meet fluctuating demands, particularly during peak periods like holidays or tourist seasons. 

The holiday season brings increased online and in-store traffic, creating an excellent opportunity for added sales. 

While you want to ensure you have enough employees to handle the customer flow or order fulfilment, you also do not wish to over-hire and undercut your potential profits.

Therefore, striking the right balance in staffing levels is crucial to optimize operational efficiency and maximize revenue during these peak periods.

The top three issues hiring seasonal employees resolves for companies are:

  • Flexible Staffing: Seasonal workers offer flexibility in staffing levels, allowing companies to scale up or down based on demand without long-term commitments.
  • Cost Management: Hiring seasonal employees can reduce labor costs compared to hiring full-time staff, as they typically do not require benefits like health care or paid time off.
  • Improved Customer Service: With additional staff, companies can provide better customer service by reducing wait times, ensuring product availability, and maintaining high service standards.

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What Are Seasonal Employees?
Seasonal employees are temporary workers hired to meet short-term demands, often during busy holidays or tourist seasons. 

They provide valuable support to regular staff, helping companies efficiently manage increased workload and customer traffic. 

Depending on the company’s needs, these employees may work part-time or full-time for a specific duration, such as a few weeks or months. 

Seasonal roles vary widely across retail, hospitality, tourism, and manufacturing industries. 

Employers often seek individuals with relevant skills and experience to quickly integrate them into the workforce and ensure smooth operations during peak periods.

How Do Seasonal Jobs Work?

hire seasonal employees

Seasonal jobs are temporary positions needed during busy holidays or tourist seasons. 

Employers hire seasonal workers to handle the extra work without making long-term commitments. 

These jobs often have flexible schedules but usually don’t include benefits like health care or paid time off

Seasonal workers do different jobs like customer service, sales, or office tasks. 

To hire seasonal workers, companies figure out when they need extra help, decide how many people they need, and find the right people to hire. 

Understanding seasonal work helps companies hire the right people at the correct times.

How to Hire Seasonal Employees? Hiring Strategies

When hiring seasonal employees, you should follow these strategies for successful hiring.

1. Crafting a Compelling Job Description

Job Description

In crafting a compelling job description, it’s essential to clearly outline the role’s responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications to ensure the recruitment strategy aligns with the company’s objectives. 

As business owners seek the right candidates to join their team, they must consider the job title and the time of year when filling temporary or permanent positions. 

Whether seeking full-time employees for next year or part-time employees for immediate roles, resumes from prospective team members should demonstrate relevant experience and a strong work ethic. 

Additionally, emphasizing opportunities for advancement can attract talented individuals looking for long-term career prospects. 

Perks such as flexible scheduling or professional development opportunities can further entice potential hires and contribute to a positive company culture. 

By incorporating these elements into the job description and providing clear instructions for the application process, businesses can attract qualified candidates who align with their values and goals. 

Having such a comprehensive approach ensures that both temporary and permanent employees are engaged in the recruitment process and sets the stage for successful team building.

2. Utilizing Online Job Platforms


When hiring seasonal workers, it’s essential to use online job websites. As you know these sites have many people looking for work and make hiring easier. 

First, create job ads that describe seasonal jobs well, including what the job involves, what skills are needed, and any perks. 

Put these ads on popular job websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and ones specifically for seasonal work. 


Use tools like targeted ads to get more people to see your job posts. 

Also, use systems that help you keep track of job applications. 

Respond quickly to people who apply, set up interviews, and do checks to see if they’re a good fit.

3. Tapping into Local Networks

To effectively tap into local networks when hiring seasonal employees, engage with community organizations, such as local chambers of commerce or business associations. 

Attend networking events and job fairs to connect with potential candidates.

Additionally, hold social media platforms to target local audiences and spread the word about job opportunities. 

Encourage current employees to refer candidates from their own networks, as they may have connections to individuals who are looking for seasonal work. 

Building relationships within the local community and utilizing various channels to reach potential hires can increase your chances of finding qualified seasonal employees.

4. Hosting On-Site Hiring Events

To host on-site hiring events, start by securing a suitable venue and setting a date that aligns with your seasonal staffing needs. 

Hiring Event

Advertise the event through various channels, including social media, job boards, and local community networks, to attract potential candidates. 

Prepare informational materials about the company, job roles available, and the hiring process to distribute during the event. 

On the day of the event, create a welcoming atmosphere and designate staff members to greet and assist candidates. 

Conduct on-the-spot interviews or initial screenings to assess candidate suitability. 

Follow up promptly with promising candidates to efficiently move them through the hiring process. 

Hosting on-site hiring events allows for face-to-face interactions and provides an opportunity to attract motivated candidates directly.

5. Conducting Effective Interviews

When you interview seasonal employees, focus on three main things: their availability, experience, and how well they fit with the company

interview employee

First, ask them about their schedule and if they’re okay with working different hours. 

Then, talk about their past jobs and whether they’ve done similar work. 

See how they handle problems and deal with customers by asking specific questions. 

Also, ask them what they know about the company and how they can be good team players. 

You can even act out some work situations to see how they do. 

Look for candidates who can adapt well, know about the industry, and match the company’s vibe.

6. Offering Competitive Compensation

Offering good pay is vital to attracting the best seasonal workers, So make sure you pay at least what others in your industry do. 

You should also give bonuses or rewards based on how well people do their job. 

If you have any extra benefits, like discounts or flexible hours, mention them too. 

Being clear about how much you’ll pay from the start can help you find the right people.

Remember, good pay not only gets you good workers but also shows you appreciate what seasonal staff bring to your team. 

By paying well, you can become a top choice for seasonal workers and get the help you need during busy times.

7. Providing Comprehensive Training

When hiring seasonal workers, giving them suitable training is essential. 

First, set up a straightforward program to welcome them and teach them about the company rules and what’s expected of them. 

Have hands-on training sessions so they can learn practical skills and understand what to do. 

Use videos, slideshows, and manuals to help them learn even more. 

It can also teach some regular workers how to help the new seasonal staff. 

Make sure everyone feels comfortable asking questions or bringing up any concerns. 

When you take the time to train seasonal workers well, it helps them do their jobs better, which is suitable for the company in the end.

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8. Creating a Positive Work Environment

To create a positive work environment for seasonal employees, foster open communication channels. 

Encourage feedback and address concerns promptly to show you value their input. 

Offer opportunities for growth and development through training programs and skill-building workshops. 

Recognize and reward their contributions to boost morale and motivation

Highlight teamwork and collaboration to promote a sense of belonging and companionship among seasonal staff. 

Provide a supportive and comprehensive workplace culture where everyone feels respected and appreciated. 

By prioritizing employee well-being and employee satisfaction, you can enhance productivity and retention rates, ultimately contributing to the success of your seasonal hiring strategy.

9. Developing Clear Communication Channels

To improve seasonal hiring, focus on making communication clear, you must write straightforward job descriptions that explain what the role involves. 

communication plan

Use social media and job websites to reach more people and ensure they know the job’s requirements. 

Make it easy for people to apply by having a simple screening process. 

Ask current employees to recommend people they know. 

Tell them about pay, hours, and how long the job will last. 

Stay in touch with seasonal workers and solve any problems quickly. 

When companies communicate well, they can find the right people and hire seasonal workers smoothly.

10. Monitoring Performance and Providing Feedback

It’s essential to monitor how your employees are doing and promptly give them feedback. 

Employee Feedback

First, set clear goals and expectations that match what the company needs. 

Then, regularly check how they’re doing compared to these goals and give them helpful advice on how to get better if needed. 

Make sure they feel comfortable talking to you about any concerns or questions about how they’re doing. 

If someone does a great job, praise them to keep them motivated. 

Moreover, it offers chances for them to learn new skills so they can do even better. 

By watching how seasonal workers are doing and giving feedback, companies can make sure they’re doing their best.

11. Recognizing and Rewarding Hard Work

When hiring temporary workers for busy times, it’s essential to appreciate and reward their efforts. 

Recognizing their hard work makes them feel good and encourages them to keep doing well. 

Ways to do this include giving out awards, bonuses based on performance, and chances to learn new things or advance in their jobs. 

When companies show they value their temporary workers, it creates a happier workplace, satisfies employees, and helps the company do better during its busiest times.

12. Building Long-Term Relationships

When companies build strong connections with seasonal employees, they can have a reliable group of people to call on for future seasons. 

This means ensuring they have a good time working, giving them reasons to come back, and keeping the lines of communication open. 

It’s also helpful to have programs where experienced workers can help new ones and give them training. 

Furthermore, when companies notice and reward great work, it can make these workers think about staying on permanently. 

Having good relationships with seasonal staff isn’t just about having enough workers – it also makes the company look good, which makes it easier to find great workers in the future.

13. Start Hiring ASAP

Posting job openings well ahead of time helps attract more applicants and get the best people for your team. 

First, determine how many seasonal workers you need by looking at your staffing needs and estimating demand.

Then, make job postings explaining the roles, what’s expected, and the qualifications needed. 

Share these postings on different places where people look for jobs, like online job boards and social media, and ask current employees for referrals. 

Make the application and screening process simple and quick to find suitable candidates faster. 

Try to have your seasonal team hired, trained, and ready by early November to prepare them for the busiest shopping day of the year – Black Friday and Christmas Day.

This approach gives you time to carefully review applications, conduct interviews, and settle new hires before things get hectic.

14. Be Clear and Direct

Creating a smooth and efficient hiring process requires clarity and precision, especially when bringing on seasonal workers. 

hiring process

A well-defined job description is foremost, outlining job responsibilities, required skills, and scheduling details, whether it involves flexible hours or specific shifts. 

Additionally, incorporating incentives such as competitive wages, bonuses, or employee discounts, especially during peak seasons like holidays, can attract top talent.

Utilizing technology and platforms like social media and job websites expands the pool of potential candidates. 

Asking for recommendations from current employees can also yield valuable leads. 

To assess suitability, consider administering tests as part of the application process.

Implementing a comprehensive training program ensures new hires are provided to excel in their roles. 

By maintaining transparency and positively portraying the company, it becomes easier to attract and retain exceptional seasonal workers.

Who to Hire?

So, you know you need to hire seasonal employees, and you have prepared your job descriptions. Who do you hire? First of all, know your community. 

It would help to find workers who are not as busy as your usual “9:00-5:00” employee.  

Happy customers usually make the best employees. 

Employers often overlook hiring customers, which is a huge mistake. 

They are a great resource pool for seasonal workers. They are already familiar with your business, brand, or products. 

They have first-hand knowledge of your products and services, creating a unique advantage as they can relate with potential customers much better. 

This also makes the training process easier since they already know your business. 

It is effortless to advertise open positions in your store or on your site; as a bonus, you will not have to pay extra for job posting sites or advertisements in the newspaper.

Another resource you can use for hiring seasonal employees is your current employees.  

Hard-working, reliable employees can often refer like-minded people for seasonal openings. 

A great incentive for employee referrals is a bonus system for the referring employee at the end of the season for each referred new employee who completes the season. 

Another excellent employee incentive is the employee discount program – it could increase based on each successful employee referral. 

These are just a few simple ideas, but think of your current employees and what a productive incentive for them might be.

Retirees are another great pool for potential seasonal workers. 

They usually offer a wide range of work experience and are more likely to be able to work a flexible shift. 

Health permitting, they also may be willing to return for more than one season – minimizing the headache of going through the hiring process for new seasonal employees every year.

How Long Can You Keep A Seasonal Employee?

hiring employees

The duration for retaining a seasonal employee varies based on business needs and regulations. 

Typically, seasonal employment lasts for the busy season, ranging from a few weeks to several months. 

However, some companies may extend the employment period if there’s ongoing demand or the employee’s performance warrants continuation. 

It’s essential to meet labor laws regarding temporary employment and ensure clarity in employment contracts regarding the expected duration of the seasonal role. 

Additionally, if a seasonal worker does well, the company might hire them again for the next busy season or even give them a full-time job if there’s a chance for it.

Temporary Vs. Seasonal Employee

Temporary EmployeesSeasonal Employees
Often brought on board to address short-term staffing needs arising from sudden absences, extended leaves, or specific project requirements.Explicitly recruited to tackle temporary spikes in workload during specific periods of the year, such as holiday seasons, peak tourist periods, or annual sales events.
May work full-time or part-time hours depending on the nature of the position and the company’s immediate needs.Typically hired for a fixed duration corresponding to the heightened demand, after which their employment may conclude.
Not fundamentally linked to predictable fluctuating demand patterns throughout the year.Employment duration is directly tied to the seasonal demand cycle; however, some may be rehired for upcoming seasons based on the company’s evolving requirements and their performance during previous tenure.

What Industries Commonly Hire Seasonal Workers?

Industries commonly hiring seasonal workers include retail, hospitality, tourism, agriculture, and e-commerce.

Retailers often maximize staffing during busy holiday seasons like Christmas and back-to-school periods. 

Hospitality and tourism sectors require additional staff during peak travel seasons or events. 

Agriculture relies on seasonal workers for planting, harvesting, and processing crops.

E-commerce companies often need extra hands to handle increased orders during sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday. 

These industries benefit from the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of hiring seasonal employees to manage temporary spikes in demand and maintain service standards.

How Far In Advance Should I Start Recruiting Seasonal Employees?

Start recruiting seasonal employees at least a few months in advance to ensure you have sufficient time to find and onboard suitable candidates. 

Begin by assessing your staffing needs and projecting demand based on previous years’ trends. 

Then, develop a recruitment timeline that includes posting job openings, screening applicants, and conducting interviews. 

By starting early, you can avoid the last-minute mess up for employees and attract high-quality candidates who are actively seeking seasonal opportunities. 

Furthermore, early recruitment allows sufficient time for training and onboarding, ensuring that your seasonal workforce is prepared to hit the ground running when needed.

Familiarize Yourself with the Labor Laws

labor law

Be sure to know your applicable seasonal labor laws, as you do not want your business or employees to get into any trouble for violating wage or hour laws.

It’s significant for businesses that hire seasonal workers to understand and follow the rules about employment during different times of the year. 

This means ensuring they pay workers fairly, only overwork them with extra pay, and check that they can work legally. 

They must also treat everyone fairly when hiring, without discriminating against anyone.

Workers need to keep track of their hours accurately to get paid correctly and help the company figure out how many seasonal workers they might need in the future.

Finding the right seasonal workers can be challenging because they represent the company during its busiest times. 

So, hiring people who are well-qualified and can represent the company well is crucial.

Businesses need to stay informed about any changes to the rules about hiring seasonal workers. 

This helps them adjust how they hire people and avoid legal trouble. 

Getting advice from legal experts or using resources from labor departments helps understand these rules. 

Overall, following labor laws doesn’t just protect businesses from getting fined but also makes sure seasonal workers are treated fairly and ethically.

Benefits Of Hiring Seasonal Workers For Small Businesses

Hiring seasonal workers can be highly advantageous for small businesses, especially during busy periods such as the holiday rush or peak tourist seasons. 

Here are ten benefits of incorporating seasonal employees into your workforce.

1. Flexible Staffing: Seasonal workers offer flexibility to meet fluctuating demands without the commitment of year-round employment.

2. Meeting Increased Demand: During busy periods, seasonal workers help bridge the gap between demand and regular staffing levels, ensuring efficient operations.

3. Cost-Effectiveness: Hiring seasonal employees can be more cost-effective than maintaining a full-time staff year-round, particularly when considering factors like minimum wage and overtime pay.

4. Specialized Skills: Seasonal positions often attract college students or job seekers with specific skills or interests relevant to your business, such as ski resorts hiring experienced instructors or amusement parks seeking entertainment performers.

5. Compliance with Employment Laws: Small businesses must adhere to employment laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) when hiring seasonal workers, ensuring fair treatment and proper compensation.

6. Efficient Onboarding Process: Seasonal positions often require quick onboarding processes to meet immediate needs, fostering efficiency in recruiting and training.

7. Enhanced Customer Service: With the influx of customers during busy periods, additional staff can provide better customer service, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

8. Reduced Burnout: By alleviating the workload on permanent or regular employees, seasonal workers can prevent burnout and maintain morale throughout busy periods.

9. Preparation for Next Season: Building a pool of reliable seasonal workers allows businesses to prepare for the next season more effectively, with experienced staff ready to return.

10. Improvement of Bottom Line: The strategic utilization of seasonal workers can positively impact the bottom line by optimizing staffing costs and maximizing revenue during peak times.

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Final Say,

For small businesses in industries like hospitality, summer camps, or amusement parks, hiring seasonal workers is essential to manage the influx of visitors during specific times of the year. 

These businesses often rely on the upfront recruitment of temporary staff to ensure seamless operations and exceptional customer experiences. 

Additionally, offering competitive wages and benefits can attract top talent, ensuring a smooth onboarding process and maintaining compliance with employment laws. 

As the busy period approaches, businesses can extend job offers to eager job seekers, providing them with opportunities to contribute to the success of the company while earning fair compensation. 

Looking ahead to the next season or year, businesses can retain valuable seasonal workers and streamline the hiring process for subsequent busy periods, ultimately fostering long-term success and sustainability.

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