Time is Money, Money is Time!
“Time is Money” is an age-old adage that is the cornerstone of many flourishing businesses. Losing time, even in minuscule amounts, can add up quickly and manual time cards are one of the worst offenders. It’s easy to get blindsided at the end of a payroll period when time cards are difficult to decipher, far from accurate, and in some cases, missing. Relying on paper time cards, spreadsheets, or manual punch cards leaves your business at risk for error, inaccuracy, and missed opportunities.
Not only is time management a challenge when using out-dated time tracking methods, but so is an employer’s ability to check on the status of ongoing projects, track time spent off-site with Clients, or give employees the flexibility to enter and track their time in a location other than the office. If time tracking centralization, visibility, and low cost are important to your business, it may be time to embrace a more technological approach.
Online employee time clock software, an internet-based time tracking tool, is a viable option for regaining lost time and money. Quicker, easier, and more mobile than manual time cards, Online Time Cards are the future of employer-employee relations. Online Time Cards allow employees to clock in or out from any location, at any time, giving them the freedom to juggle clients or projects in several locations all while giving employers the ability to monitor their progress as they do so. Employers are able to access the information provided by Online Time Cards in several different digital formats, making paperwork a breeze, and allowing them to read the time cards as soon as they come in. Clocking in and out is as easy as pushing a button, meaning fewer forgotten punch outs and absolutely no lost time cards. No lost time means no lost profit.
Everything is more exact with employee time tracking software online, and the options are limitless. With the addition of a simple application, available for both iphone and Android phones, employees can punch in or out directly from their cellphone. No more rushing into the office. There are also GPS time stamping options for added accuracy no matter the time zone. Any computer, laptop or tablet is capable of supporting this software, and for those unable to connect, the offline option allows employees to clock in or out, and then syncs up to the system automatically when a web connection is available.
Eliminate payroll errors, reduce overtime expenses, and increase the accuracy of your records, all with a simple click.