5 Ways To Ensure Your Remote Employees Feel Included
Every employee, no matter their role within the company, wants to feel as though they are included in the workplace culture. This can be especially hard for remote employees that do not have the opportunity to build relationships with their co-workers or leadership face to face on a daily basis. This can often leave remote workers feeling left out and as though their work does not contribute to the overall success of the business. This means that it is up to leadership to ensure that they do what they can to make remote workers feel as though they are included and a part of the team.
Here are 5 helpful tips to ensure your remote employees will feel more included.
Frequent Communication
Communication between your on-site team and remote workers is crucial. Rather than having your team communicate important information by email, encourage them to use a video conferencing platform to make the interaction feel more personal and to help build relationships. Ensure that your employees have access to great technology that will allow seamless communication; whether this is by an in-house chat channel or by Slack. This will guarantee that your remote employees will have instant access to their co-workers or leadership and will make them feel as though they are apart of the team.
Online Social Interaction
In today’s modern society, we have become used to interacting with others through online platforms no matter where we are or what time of the day it is. If you have a lot of remote workers and want to find a way to include them in workplace occasions, consider setting up fun online events by taking advantage of the platforms we use on a daily basis. You can easily find ways to set up game rooms for your employees that encourages teamwork, but also provides a fun outlet and the chance for them to get to know one another.
Show Appreciation
Remote employees like to feel as though their work matters, just as much as your on-site employees. There are many online programs that enable leaders to easily and efficiently show appreciation and recognition for the work that their employees are doing. Incorporating elements such as the ability of other employees to “like” or comment on the accomplishments of their co-workers further enforces that recognition
Consider starting a weekly newsletter that highlights the accomplishments of your team members, both on-site and remote. Have fun with it and be sure to listen to any employee feedback about how to improve the newsletter; it is for them after all!
Weekly Check-Ins
To ensure that your remote employee does not feel forgotten, schedule weekly check-ins via Skype or a video conferencing platform. Make sure, that as a leader, you have information to present to them; whether it be questions about their current assignments or feedback. As long as you are engaging them and making them feel as though what they are doing is important to the overall success of the business, then you are on the right path to making sure they feel more included.
Additionally, you should ask that the remote employee put together a weekly overview of everything they have accomplished. This puts things into perspective for the remote employee as they are able to reaffirm that they are doing a good job and have the information to back it up.
Schedule Visits
Another great way to make sure that your remote employees feel like they are part of the team is by scheduling times throughout the year to have them come to the office. While your remote workers are visiting, make sure that you schedule time for team building exercises to get them involved. Also, ensure that company meetings are held during the time of their visit, so they really feel included in the business as a whole.